Brim of a child's hat

by Debbie

Instructions for a wrap st:

Take yarn to back as if to knit, slip next st, bring yarn to front as if to purl, slip st back to left needle. With smaller needle, cast on 12 sts. Row 1: Knit across. Row 2: Knit across. Row 3: P1, K1 4 times, p1, wrap next st. turn. Row 4: k1, *p1,k1; rep from *across......

When I get to row 3, I am losing 2 stitches if I follow these instructions. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong, or how to do that special wrap stitch?

This is a hat that is in the July Creative Knitting magazine.

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Aug 30, 2014
It could be short-row knitting
by: Knittykitty

If I understand, they are telling you
to carry out a (short-row) stitch. This will
give the the bill of the hat its characteristic
shape. I think !
Try to look up "short-Row" knitting.
You will start to see what they are talking
about. I have not seen the hat so I hope I'm
right. Good luck ! !

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