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Textured knitting stitch patterns can be very effective and generally involve only basic knitting techniques (i.e., knit and purl stitches), which makes them ideal for use by knitting beginners.
The appeal of these stitch patterns is that they add texture to your knitted fabric and can be used as an all-over pattern or as panels between other stitch patterns, to add interest to your knitted items.
To add these stitch patterns to the page, I first have to knit a sample taking photos as I go so it is going to take a while before I can add all of the all over knitting stitch patterns I plan to add. So it might be a good idea to bookmark the page and come back every now and then to check for new stitch patterns.
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Feb 07, 21 07:44 AM
Jan 28, 21 02:35 AM
Dec 11, 19 07:03 PM