How many stitches to add to the pattern

by Mary
(Concord, Ca)

I have a scarf pattern that calls for casting on 80 stitches on straight needles. I wanted to knit scarf on circular needles. How many stitches should I increase the pattern?

Thank you


Sorry Mary, but you haven't provided enough information for me to be able to offer any advice.

Are you using a pattern for you scarf and if so, which one is it?

Do you have an image to share that would should what the end result is (a photo of the front cover of your pattern for example).

Is the scarf knitted in a basic knitting stitch pattern (garter stitch, stocking stitch etc) or is there a more complicated stitch pattern?

And if so, what is it?

I don't even know what yarn you are using or what size or length needles you want to use.

Are you planning on knitting it on the circular needles in the round or are you going to knit one row, then turn your work and knit the next row?

Without this kind of information anything I say would just be plucked out of the air and be of absolutely no use to at all.

If you want to add some more information to this page about your project, please do so using the comment form below, and I will do what I can to help.

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