Hi, I am trying to follow an old pattern for a bonnet and I've gotten to a part I'm stuck on. It reads:
Work 5 rows even in stocking st, ending with purl row. Break yarn.
To shape neckline: with right side of work facing, join yarn and pick up and knit 22sts along lower edge of bonnet.
Knit 11 sts from back of bonnet. Pick up and knit 22 sts along remaining part of lower edge.
I get that break yarn means leave the 11 sts on and break yarn to leave a tail but then after that I get lost.
The 11 sts still on the needle are at the top of the pattern and then it says to pick up 22 on the lower edge... do I use another needle and just hold the 11 for later?
I'm so confused... if someone can help me sort out this part of the pattern it would be so appreciated.
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