purlsoho garter stitch ear flap hat


Thank you for taking my question. Could you please explain what I am supposed to do here???

Repeat rounds 1-4 five (6,7,8,9,10) more times. 12(12,12,12,12,12) stitches

Thank you! I just dont get it!



Presumably you know how to work rows 1 to 4 of your pattern?

Basically what this is telling you to do is to knit those 4 rows a number of times. Your pattern appears to have instructions for six different sizes, so you do the number of repeats for your size.

Size 1 - smallest size usually does the 4 rows five times (original 4 rows plus 20 rows extra rows).

Size 2 - does the 4 rows six times (original 4 rows plus 24 rows extra rows).

Size 3 - does the 4 rows seven times (original 4 rows plus 28 rows extra rows).

Size 4 - does the 4 rows eight times (original 4 rows plus 32 rows extra rows).

Size 5 - does the 4 rows nine times (original 4 rows plus 36 rows extra rows).

Size 6 - does the 4 rows ten times (original 4 rows plus 40 rows extra rows).

When you have finished the instructions for your size you should have 12 stitches left.

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